Ghost PRO FITTED Connector for Glock G42/43/43x & 48.
Similar to the Edge for the 42/43/42X & 48 but requires minor fitting, NOT A DROP IN. This is the first fitted over travel elminating, bump free trigger control tab connector avaliable for the 42/43/43X & 48.
Fits only Glock 42, 43, 43X and 48.
- Average Reduction in trigger weight is 2.5 lbs.
- Lightest Stage Free Trigger
- Smoother Than any other Trigger
- Shorter Pull Eliminates Over Travel
- Perfect Function
- Ghost Lifetime Guarantee
- Minor Fitting Required
When you first receive this connector, install it first before trimming/reducing. Apply extra pressure and see if it releases the firing pin. If it does with extra pressure you will trim down very little to get a clean smooth release.
The Ghost Pro fixes the Glock bump or glitch, this is the pre-travel resistance you feel and must overcome when the trigger bar bumps into the connector. This bump causes you to apply excessive force and will move the pistol off target. Another thing the G42/G43 PRO corrects is trigger over-travel; the excessive movement of the trigger after the pistol fires. Over-travel causes the pistol to move off of alignment with the target, making your shot go low and to one side.
Please Note : THIS IS NOT A DROP IN TRIGGER CONNECTOR: Small flat Swiss file needed to fit, a gunsmith or armorer is reccommended to install this connector.
Model: | PRO FITTED |
Manufacturer: | Ghost |