Shipping Rules


  • Texas Ammo LLC, will SHIP TO VALID FFL'S ONLY.
  • Handguns will ship via 2 day express, Longguns via ground.
  • Confirm the receiving FFL will accept transfers from us for the firearm that has been chosen before placing the order.
  • It is the customers responsibility to make arrangements for the receiving FFL to send a valid & signed copy of their FFL to Texas Ammo, LLC.
  • IF THE PURCHASER IS DENIED DUE TO BACKGROUND CHECK or any other reason through the receiving FFL, the purchaser will be charged a restocking fee, plus paperwork fee plus the cost of shipping to and from, all which will be deducted from the original purchase price before any refunds are issued.
  • ALL FIREARM SALES ARE FINAL (see returns page)


  • Texas Ammo LLC will only ship to United States citizens and resident aliens that meet all other legal requirements.
  • By ordering ammunition, you are certifying that you are a U.S. citizen or resident alien, and that it is legal for you to receive and possess any products ordered at your shipping address.
  • Due to various state and local laws, the customer must check to see if a product is legal to import into his/her state and locality.  For orders that ship to locations with restrictions, the order will NOT ship until all requirements have been met, it is the customers responsibility to provide such information.  Please check your state/local laws before ordering.
  • Ammunition and Firearms can not be shipped in the same package.  If you order both items on the same order, they will be shipped in different packages and will be billed accordingly.
  • To purchase Rifle Ammunition you must be at least 18 years of age.
  • To purchase Pistol Ammunition you must be at least 21 years of age.
  • Federal law prohibits the purchase of ammunition by minors, drug addicts, convicted felons, illegal aliens, the mentally ill and those convicted of a misdemeanor crime of domestic violence.
  • ALL AMMUNITION SALES ARE FINAL (see returns page)

NFA items

  • All local/state/federal laws apply, including additional paperwork and tax stamp requiements.